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《上古世纪》今日火爆发码 玩家求码祭出黑科技

The ancient centuries "today hot code internationally code resorted to black &

2015-07-29 15:33:49来源: 新浪

今夏最具期待的重塑RPG想象之作《上古世纪》今天开始全平台放号了! 昨日,官方启动了无人机放码计划,通过智能扫描,脑洞足够大的玩家,即可获得珍贵的8月6日不删档测试激活码一枚。 一大波玩家得知消息后,便开始了根本停不下来的秀脑洞求码行为,到处都是黑科技。看来,这次《上古世纪》放码...

this summer's most anticipated remodeling RPG imagination as" the century of the ancient "today the whole platform telephone numbers. Yesterday, the official launch of the unmanned aerial vehicle program, through smart scanning, brain hole is large enough players, you can get a precious August 6th does not delete files test activation code. After a large wave of players to know the news, they began to simply stop the show brain hole for code behavior, everywhere is black technology. It seems that the "ancient" put code...

标签: 玩家