新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五毛钱特效 生存游戏《逆境求生》试玩体验

五毛钱特效 生存游戏《逆境求生》试玩体验

Five cents specific survival game "to survive adversity" demo experience

2015-07-29 05:17:52来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 生存类游戏一直是国内外玩家的心头好,近日,又有一款生存类游戏发售了,那就是《逆境求生(Better Late Than Dead)》。该作光听名字的话很吸引人,直译的话更吸引人——“迟到总比死亡好”,但这游戏就跟方便面的“请以实物为准”...

[in this paper by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate the source] survival game has been the heart of players at home and abroad. Recently, there has been a survival game sold, that is, "to survive adversity (better late than dead." The name of the word to listen to the words is very attractive, literal translation of words more attractive - "better late than death," but this game with the instant noodles, please take the kind of"...

标签: 游戏