新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我叫MT2》TV版8月开测,发布会现场变峰会


"My name is MT2" TV version of August open test, the conference site change summit

2015-07-28 15:51:19来源: 电玩巴士

由小y游戏举办的《我叫MT2》TV版发布会昨晚于北京W酒店落下帷幕。发布会现场吸引上百媒体人参会,而到会嘉宾更是囊括国内电视产业上下游数十家企业,各企业高管纷纷见证《我叫MT2》TV版正式发布的同时,也在此次发布会上对小y游戏倡导的电视游戏发展理念和未来规划进行了讨论。 出席本次发布会...

organized by the small y game of "my name is MT2" TV version of the conference last night in the W Hotel Beijing falls next heavy curtain. The release conference scene attract hundreds of media of ginseng, and the guests is to include the domestic TV industry upstream and downstream of dozens of companies, business executives have witness "my name is MT2" TV version officially released at the same time, also in the conference to advocate y games video game development concept and future plans are discussed. Attend this conference...