新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本手游分析公司Metaps将于下月上市


Japan hand analysis company metaps will be on sale next month

2015-07-28 12:12:08来源: 07073游戏网

日本手游货币化分析公司Metaps宣布将在8月28日上市,将为该公司带来3060万美元的资金。 在此之前,该公司刚刚获得了3600万美元的C轮融资,目前Metaps总融资额达到了5250万美元,该公司的IPO申请中声明的市值为3.5亿美元,而且该公司上市的速度是很多人没有想到的。 ...

hand tour of Japan currency analysis company metaps announced will listed on August 28, the company brought $30.6 million in funding. Prior to this, the company has just won a C $36 million round of financing, the current metaps total financing volume reached US $52.5 million, declared in the company's IPO application value for $3.5 billion, and the company listed on the speed is a lot of people do not think of. ...

标签: PS 手游