新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神龙部落2》备受关注 2015CJ蜗牛展台揭晓

《神龙部落2》备受关注 2015CJ蜗牛展台揭晓

The Dragon tribe 2 "much attention 2015CJ snail booth announced

2015-07-28 10:52:32来源: 4399

此前,备受玩家关注的《神龙部落2》,将在2015CJ蜗牛展台抢先曝光,将为玩家带来趣味盎然的驯龙之旅。 ▍驯龙迷跃跃欲试 神龙更受关注 在CJ临近之际,蜗牛数字动态愈发受到关注,全民驯龙冒险手游《神龙部落2》更成为最受关注的产品之一。万千驯龙迷为《神龙部落2》造势,并希望在CJ现场体...

previously, has attracted a lot of attention to players of the Dragon tribe", in 2015CJ snail booth to preemptive exposure, players will bring interesting taming dragon brigade. Man taming dragon fans eager Shenlong more attention in near the CJ, snail digital dynamic increasingly attention, people domesticate dragon Adventure Tour "Shenlong tribe 2" became one of the most popular products. Thousands of fans as the "dragon dragon tribe 2" campaign, and that scene in CJ body...