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《DOTA2》TI5小组赛开启 一亿奖金鹿死谁手?

The dota2 ti5 team season opens 100 million prize winner?

2015-07-28 10:52:32来源: 17173

28日,《DOTA2》TI5小组赛事正式开启,目前奖金已经突破了一亿人民币,18支队伍将为这笔巨款而热血奋战,中国队能否杀出重围,再度斩获巨额奖金?让我们拭目以待。以下是比赛的具体赛程。 目前各队积分 (点此看大图) 28日赛况

28, the dota2, ti5 team event officially opened, the prize has been a breakthrough in the 100 million RMB, with 18 teams for this huge sum of money and blood fighting, the Chinese team can break through a tight encirclement, once again gains huge bonuses? Let us wait and see. The following are the details of the game. Now the team is integral (the larger) 28 scores

标签: DOTA