新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火热七月 北京I DO动漫游戏嘉年华引爆北京

火热七月 北京I DO动漫游戏嘉年华引爆北京

Hot July Beijing I do cartoon game Carnival detonated Beijing

2015-07-27 20:45:39来源: 4399

火热的七月不仅有ChinaJoy,在北京还有一场火爆的二次元是恒辉。7月24日,北京I DO动漫游戏嘉年华如约在国家会议中心举行。大会期间,蓝港互动携多款游戏齐齐亮相。 蓝港互动引爆嘉年华现场 蓝港互动为本次嘉年华做了充分的准备,着实吊足了广大玩家的胃口。在嘉年华现场,各位玩家不仅能...

hot in July not only ChinaJoy. In Beijing, there is a popular second element is Henghui. In July 24th, the Beijing I DO cartoon carnival games as held at the National Convention center. During the conference, the blue harbor interactive games articles appeared together. La Gang interaction detonated Carnival scene harbour interaction for the carnival made full preparations, really hanging foot the appetite of the majority of the players. In the carnival scene, the players can not only...

标签: 游戏 嘉年华