新关注 > 信息聚合 > 清凉一夏 蜂巢游戏携多款优质手游参展2015CJ

清凉一夏 蜂巢游戏携多款优质手游参展2015CJ

Cool summer hive games carrying a variety of high quality Mobile Games Exhibition 2015CJ

2015-07-27 20:34:26来源: 4399

随着ChinaJoy正式举办的时间越来越近,各大厂商们也一点都不闲着,为自家宣传可谓是不遗余力。而作为老参展商。蜂巢游戏今年将携旗下多款优质大作参展。同时,蜂巢游戏也准备了丰富多彩的各色活动等待着大家。 重磅抽奖活动 特色豪礼来袭 此次,蜂巢游戏将推出惊喜连连的抽奖活动,玩家只需扫描...

with ChinaJoy formally organized the time getting closer, the manufacturers are also not idle, for their own propaganda can be described as is sparing no effort. And as the old exhibitors. Honeycomb game this year will bring a variety of high quality and large exhibition. At the same time, the honeycomb game also prepared a variety of colorful activities waiting for you. Heavy draw event features a special event struck this, the honeycomb game will launch a surprise attack again and again, the players simply scan...

标签: 游戏 手游