新关注 > 信息聚合 > 路曼曼其修远兮 国产手游精品化路还很长

路曼曼其修远兮 国产手游精品化路还很长

Lu Manman the costlier domestic travel boutique road is still very long

2015-07-27 20:34:26来源: 4399

对于手游这个行业,虽说已经发展了几年,然而还有许多东西需要在不断的实践中摸索。随着手游整体的蓬勃发展,怎样的手游产品才能真正留住用户,精品化手游之路还有很长的路要走。 市场膨胀发展 中轻度手游红利期已过 自2013年以来,国内手游市场几乎呈膨胀式发展。根据易观智库发布的《中国移动游戏...

tour to this industry, although has evolved over the years. However, there is many things need fumble in practice constantly. With the rapid development of the hand travel as a whole, how the hand travel products to really retain users, the road is still a long way to go hand in hand. Market expansion and development of mild hand travel bonus has been over since 2013, the domestic hand travel market has almost been inflated. According to Analysys think tank released China Mobile game "...

标签: 手游