新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上线或在旦夕间 《上古卷轴:传奇》上架时间随机

上线或在旦夕间 《上古卷轴:传奇》上架时间随机

On line or in the overnight in the Elder Scrolls: Legend "shelves random time

2015-07-27 18:29:58来源: 4399

在各大厂商追求曝光、预热、宣传和噱头的当下,B社在发行手游产品的时候却往往反其道行之,从前些日子一直霸榜的《辐射:避难所》来看,凭借积累的口碑和良好的游戏质量,这种出其不意上线的方法往往可以给玩家带来惊喜,收到了比大肆宣传还要好的结果。 在今年 E3 上,B社曝光了《辐射:避难所》和《...

in each big manufacturer pursuit of exposure, preheating, propaganda and gimmicks of the moment, B society in the issuance of travel products often anti its Daoxing, from a few days ago has been dominate the list of the radiation: sanctuary", with the accumulation of reputation and good quality of the game, the element of surprise on-line method can often bring surprise to players, received over hyped also good results. In this year's B, E3's exposure to the "radiation: sanctuary" and "...