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没有大神也不怕 《桃花源记》新手指引来帮你

No God is not afraid of the "land of peach blossoms" new finger draw help you

2015-07-27 15:44:02来源: 17173

暑期过半,《桃花源记》暑期嘉年华的活动你都玩过了吗?白天泳装巡城,中午网萤火虫,晚上赏星星......桃源的暑期精彩纷呈。大神太忙顾不上,暑期就能上手,新手修炼葵花宝典,尽在《桃花源记》玩法指引。 手势引导行千里 懒癌复发 任性计划 懒得连一天要做什么都不想去安排,大神不在不知道...

summer more than half, the peach blossom spring summer Carnival activities you have played? Daytime swimsuit tour city, at noon, the net firefly, night tours of the stars... Taoyuan's summer highlights. God is too busy, summer will be able to get started, the novice practice canon, as in "Peach Blossom Spring" play guide. Gesture to guide line thousands of miles of lazy cancer recurrence wayward plan too lazy to even a day to do what do not want to go to arrange, God not know...