新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卖萌犯规!盘点游戏中那些让人欲罢不能的萌物


Sell Meng foul! Inventory game that make people unable to stop the Meng

2015-07-27 12:51:09来源: 新浪

游戏中有很多让人萌得欲罢不能的存在,比如《口袋妖怪》中的皮卡丘,《最终幻想》里的陆行鸟等等。 细细想来似乎一直是日系游戏里的萌物层出不穷,不过其实美系那些一本正经的大作里也有不少萌萌哒小东西,今天我们就来看看游戏里那些让人印象深刻的萌物吧! 10.《超级马里奥》 蘑菇 作为一款...

game that many people sprout unable to stop, such as Pokemon Pikachu, final fantasy land birds and so on. Fine fine presumably seems to have been a Japanese game Meng things emerge in endlessly, but actually the United States Department of those serious masterpiece in also has many Meng Da small things. Today we are going to look at the game in those impressive Meng things! 10 "super Mario" as a mushroom...

标签: 游戏