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为游戏而生 联想携拯救者进击ChinaJoy

For the game and Lenovo carrying savior onslaught ChinaJoy

2015-07-27 12:51:09来源: 中关村在线

中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy)将于7月30日在上海新国际博览中心举办。作为此次盛会的重要参展商,联想将携旗下彪悍的小Y系列、游戏PC子品牌拯救者强势入驻。 联想专为游戏人群打造的互联网游戏PC品牌拯救者,其高性能、高服务标准、高配平价的特性受到游戏、电竞领域的认可,成...

China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (ChinaJoy) will be on July 30 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center held. As the event of important exhibitors, Lenovo will bring its sturdy little Y Series, PC games sub brand savior strong settled. Lenovo designed for game crowd to create Internet Gaming PC brand Savior, characteristics of the high performance and high standards of service, high parity by the recognition of the game, the gaming field,...

标签: 游戏 ChinaJoy