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新版来袭 穿越火线掌上APP新功能揭密

New incoming through FireWire palm app new function Jiemi

2015-07-27 12:51:09来源: 游久网

掌上穿越火线APP自上线以来,凭借丰富的辅助功能和完善的资讯推送,赢得无数玩家的青睐。近期,开发团队继续发力,推出新版本,新增查看枪王排位详情、战队信息等实用功能,让每个玩家都能随时随地感受到更多火线世界的魅力。 时刻享受火线世界的精彩 掌上穿越火线APP,以黑色为主色调。各种CF...

palm across line of fire app since since the line, with a variety of auxiliary functions and perfect information push, winning numerous players of all ages. Recently, the team continue to force, to launch a new version, new view qualifying double tap details, corps information utility function, so that every player can anytime, anywhere to feel more fire world charm. Moment to enjoy the world of the fire of the world's wonderful palm crossing APP, with a black color. All kinds of CF...

标签: APP 穿越火线