新关注 > 信息聚合 > 综述:魔兽电影再曝片段 欧洲严管电竞兴奋剂

综述:魔兽电影再曝片段 欧洲严管电竞兴奋剂

Review: Warcraft movie and then exposed the fragment European strict gaming doping

2015-07-26 01:02:54来源: 17173

在圣地亚哥漫展后,到过现场的观众陆续的将自己收获的“小惊喜”分享出来!这一次,公布的魔兽电影见面会现场片段虽然没有此前的4分钟偷拍流出片段那样完整但依旧值得关注,因为,这段30秒的魔兽电影片段中,主角是联盟的传奇英雄——洛萨与魔兽6.1版本时玩家最熟悉的“橙色随从”——半兽人迦罗娜。 ...

in San Diego Comic Con to the audience in succession will share their harvest "surprise"! This time, released Warcraft movie meet live clips although no previous 4 minutes our fragment outflow as a complete but remains a concern, because this period of 30 seconds of Warcraft movie clips, the protagonist is alliance of the legendary hero, Lothar and Warcraft version 6.1 internationally most familiar "orange entourage, half Orc Garona. ...

标签: 电竞 电影