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Liu Jianguo on the dancing machine

2020-11-08 09:14:45来源: 游戏时光

聚会来了三个人,我、刘建国,老易。本来是五个人的,没来的两人里,一个说晚上要加班,另一说晚上要接娃,仿佛加班可以加整个通宵,好像接娃是要爬着回家。但这两个理由坚实、婉转、缜密,可以将聚会理由稀释得干干净净。聚会是刘建国发起的,却让我召集,于是我只能替他删除了这两条“请假”的微信,权当这两个人是真的想来,但真的就是来不了 —— 这不,连打电话的勇气都没有,大概怕刘建国不高兴。刘建国没啥不高兴的,或者说他压根是想得太少。他没想到他下个月就要结婚,人家现在和他聚会了,岂不是默认要给他婚礼的份子钱?他更是缺少必要的分析能力,也不想想人家本来就和他关系一般,他又没什么利用价值,人家凭什么平白无故的和他聚会?凭借曾经一起同学过 3 年?别开玩笑了。这些话我没必要给刘建国说,我不想打扰他的心情,我看着他一勺一勺的往嘴里送醋泡

Three people came to the party, I, Liu Jianguo and Lao Yi. Originally it was five people. Among the two who didn't come, one said he had to work overtime in the evening, and the other said he would pick up the baby at night. It seemed that overtime could work all night, as if picking up a baby was to crawl home. But these two reasons are solid, tactful and meticulous, which can dilute the reasons for the party. The party was initiated by Liu Jianguo, but I asked me to call it. So I could only delete these two "leave" wechat messages for him. I think these two people really want to come, but they really can't come - no, they don't even have the courage to call. I'm afraid Liu Jianguo is not happy. Liu Jianguo is not unhappy, or he thinks too little at all. He didn't expect that he would get married next month. Now that he has a party with him, isn't he supposed to give him some money for the wedding? He is also lack of the necessary analytical ability, and he does not think that people have a general relationship with him, and he has no use value. Why do people get together with him for no reason? By having been together for 3 years? Don't be kidding. I don't need to say these words to Liu Jianguo. I don't want to disturb his mood. I watched him deliver vinegar to his mouth spoonful by spoon