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Card Poker Tour's broken

2015-07-24 20:28:35来源: 新浪

在中国,任何一款游戏从来都不缺乏玩家,不管是走了十几年路的端游,或是在国内有着近8年发展历史的页游,以及还不到3年呈井喷式的手游。游戏虽多,可如何留住数量庞大且眼光日渐挑剔的国内玩家,却是摆在中国所有游戏研发者面前的共同难题。 卡牌手游大哥们继续霸榜,可新卡牌手游呢? 2012年...

in China from the "matchless beauty", a game is never a lack of internationally, whether it is walk the road of more than ten years the end of the tour, or in the country has nearly eight years of the history of the development of tour page, and less than 3 years was a blowout type of hand travel. Although the game is more, but how to retain a large number of domestic players and increasingly discerning eyes, but it is a common problem in front of all the game developers in china. Card hand travel big brother who continue to tyrants standings, the new card hand travel it?...

标签: 手游