新关注 > 信息聚合 > 飞行棋式的RPG战斗 《骰子魔法师》将于8月登场

飞行棋式的RPG战斗 《骰子魔法师》将于8月登场

RPG combat flight model of the dice magic "will be on August debut

2015-07-24 19:37:36来源: 4399

玩过飞行棋的小伙伴都知道,虽然美名曰棋牌类游戏,但是决定胜负的却不是智谋的高低而是运气的好坏。本篇小编要为大家介绍的这款《骰子魔法师》(Dice Mage)其战斗模式就有些类似于飞行棋,因为决定游戏中人物攻击的数值是通过投掷骰子来决定的。 《骰子魔法师》由开发商Boarding Par...

played flight chess friends all know, although the United States and fine sounding name, chess game, but decided the outcome but the level of wisdom not but luck is good or bad. This small series to introduce this "dice magus (dice mage) the battle mode be somewhat similar to the in flight chess, because deciding game characters to attack value is decided by the throw of the dice. "Par Boarding" by the developer of the dice...