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Application of treasure Tour Festival opening open national summer Carnival domestic

2015-07-24 18:55:08来源: 新浪

国内领先的安卓应用商店——腾讯应用宝今日宣布将于7月25日正式推出为期10天的“手游节”活动,一场手游玩家的“双11”狂欢即将揭幕。 此次手游节,腾讯应用宝联手近40款热门手游,狂送价值千万人民币的豪华游戏礼包、周边以及三星GalaxyS6等实物大奖,《花千骨》、《火柴人联盟》、《三...

leading Android application store, Tencent Po announced today will be officially launched on July 25, for a period of 10 days "Tour Festival" activities, a tour players of "double 11 Carnival will be unveiled. The Tour Festival, Tencent Po teamed up to nearly 40 popular mobile games, mad send million yuan worth of luxury game packs, surrounding and Samsung galaxys6 and so on kind awards, "spend thousands of bone", "match alliance", "...

标签: 手游