新关注 > 信息聚合 > Sky李晓峰首创业 299元钛度鼠标发布

Sky李晓峰首创业 299元钛度鼠标发布

Sky lixiaofeng first entrepreneurial 299 yuan Ti degree mouse release

2015-07-24 16:53:24来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】连续获得WCG2005、2006魔兽争霸项目世界冠军——“人皇”Sky李晓峰在结束电竞生涯之后,走上了创业路。7月23日下午,Sky召开了其创办的“钛度科技”首款新品发布会,正式发布钛度鼠标,号称“最懂中国玩家的电子竞技鼠标”,售价299元。 由于在电竞圈的...

[Yesky News Channel News] continuous access to the WCG2005, 2006 Warcraft projects world champion -- "emperor sky lixiaofeng gaming career came to an end, embarked on a venture Road. July 23 afternoon, sky held its "titanium technology" first new conference, officially released titanium degree mouse, known as "the most understand Chinese player E-sports mouse", priced at $299. Because in gaming circles...