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《亮剑2》今日新服开启 上线送国士无双装备

"2 sword" today to open new service line to send equipment to play the game

2015-07-24 18:01:34来源: 多玩游戏

上战场杀敌寇,装备怎能不给力?今日18:00,《亮剑2》今日新服【一战成王】火爆开启,各种豪礼福利纷至沓来,老兵上线就送国士无双装备礼包,武器装备高端精良,助力英雄们重登豪情灭寇征程,还有多重活动馈赠珍稀道具,上鬼子更热血! 首款热血军旅网游 开服时间:7月24日18:00 ...

a state scholar of no equal on the battlefield to kill the invaders, the equipment can suck? Today, 18:00, "bright sword" new clothes today [a battle to the king] hot open, luxury gift welfare to pour, veteran on-line sent by equipment package, weapons and equipment sophisticated, helps the hero who re board the passion Kou journey, there are multiple activities gift rare props, the devil more blood! The first blood military online games open service time: July 24th 18:00...