新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄互娱9.6亿并购《全民枪战》研发商畅游云端


Hero mutual entertainment on 24 9.6 billion acquisition of the universal gunfight "R & D business swim cloud

2015-07-24 18:01:34来源: 新浪

7月24日,英雄互娱(NEEQ:430127)通过新三板发布公告称,拟并购研发商畅游云端(北京)科技有限公司100%股权,并以发行股份及现金交易的方式支付转让价款。 本次交易完成后,英雄互娱合计直接持有畅游云端(北京)科技有限公司的100%股份,将成为畅游云端(北京)科技有限公司唯一...

7 month and hero of mutual entertainment NEEQ:430127 by the new board issued a public notice said, intends to mergers and acquisitions developers swim cloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. 100% equity, and to issue shares and cash payment of the transfer price. After the completion of the transaction, the hero of the mutual entertainment total direct holdings of 100% shares of the cloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., will become a tour of the cloud (Beijing) Technology Co., ltd....