新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克王国天梯赛第一赛季奖励


Locke Kingdom ladder match in the first season awards

2015-07-24 17:45:47来源: 4399

洛克王国天梯赛第一赛季奖励 天梯赛第一赛季结束后,参与过天梯赛的玩家,将可以在赛季末领取丰厚的奖励哦,具体有什么奖励,一起来看看吧! 天梯赛第一赛季已经接近尾声,具体结束时间请留意后续公告。 参与过天梯赛的玩家,将可以在赛季末领取的奖励如下。 1) 培养果实 包括经验果实、果儿糖...

Locke Kingdom ladder match the first season awards ladder match the first season after the end, players involved in the sky ladder match, will be able to receive a generous reward at the end of the season Oh, what is the reward, check it out! Is nearing the end of a ladder match the first season, the specific end time please pay attention to the following announcement. In the day ladder match game player, will receive the award at the end of the season. 1) training experience, including fruit fruit fruit sugar...