新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看看都有哪些好玩的 2015CJ可试玩新游前瞻

看看都有哪些好玩的 2015CJ可试玩新游前瞻

See what fun 2015CJ can demo the new prospective

2015-07-24 15:04:59来源: 17173

一年一度的游戏盛会ChinaJoy将于7月30日-8月2日在上海新国际博览中心举行。较之往年,今年参展游戏的表现形式也更为丰富。除了传统的端游、手游、主机平台外,VR体验也是今年各大游戏厂商推崇的新方向。那么玩家在现场能够体验到哪些新游戏呢?今日17173就为大家一一揭晓。 腾讯 ...

annual game event ChinaJoy will from July 30 to August 2, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center held. Compared with previous years, this year, the performance of the game is also more abundant. In addition to the traditional end of the tour, hand travel, the host platform, VR experience is a new direction of the major game manufacturers this year. So what are the players at the scene to experience the new game? Today 17173 announced for everyone one one. Tencent...