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SE节操何在 《古墓丽影 崛起》16年跨平台确定

Se Day Parade where "Tomb Raider: the rise of 16 years cross platform to determine the

2015-07-24 12:18:10来源: 4399

还记得不久前的E3上的微软发布会吗?微软自己口口声声强调《古墓丽影 崛起》将会是XBOX ONE独占,然而时间才过了不到两个月,今天SE官方就宣布本作将在明年夸平台,并且夸的是PC和PS4,所以说好的独占呢? 据SE官方的说法,《古墓丽影 崛起》将于2016年初登陆STEAM和WIN1...

remember shortly before E3 Microsoft conference? So say the exclusive? Microsoft's own repeatedly stressed the Tomb Raider rise "will be exclusive to the Xbox one, but only less than two months today se official announced the will in the next year boast platform and praised the PC and Playstation? According to the official statement SE, "Tomb Raider rise" will be landing STEAM and WIN1 in early 2016...