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男人就爱硬PK 天拓游戏《刀锋无双》今日首测

Men just love hard PK tiantuo game blade "matchless" first test today

2015-07-24 11:57:01来源: 不凡游戏网

由天拓游戏独代的真三国动作RPG手游《刀锋无双》今日正式开启首测!3D引擎打造视觉盛宴、百变职业随心操控、真实的打击感为你带来极致PK体验!更有三国名将与你同征沙场,骚年,来约吗? Unity3D引擎打造 极致光影特效 《刀锋无双》采用Unity3D引擎打造顶级画质,饱满绚丽的色彩通...

by tiantuo games alone on behalf of the real Three Kingdoms action RPG mobile games blade "unparalleled" today officially opened the first test! 3D engine to create a visual feast, variety, occupation are free to control the real sense of combat to bring you the ultimate PK experience! More countries who you sign on the battlefield, teenager, come about? Unity3d engine to create "blade is matchless" extreme light effects using unity3d engine to create top quality, full of brilliant color.

标签: 游戏