新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙门虎将》外籍制作人曝光 老外竟也爱国战

《龙门虎将》外籍制作人曝光 老外竟也爱国战

"Longmen tiger" foreign producers of foreigners have also exposed

2015-07-24 11:29:37来源: 电玩巴士


foreigners, beauty, national war games...... These seemingly incompatible with the keyword has become the topic focus this summer, by Shanda and the realm of the game dual core operations orthodox national war games "dragon tiger" will be the three key words closely together. Zhao Liying, the national goddess, has enough to attract the attention of the eye, but what is the foreign producer? Today we have approached the "tiger talk" in Longmen, the foreign producer so...