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Comes with a scene of destruction! Han FPS "iron sight" exposed a new video

2015-07-23 20:04:10来源: 17173

22日,韩国FPS新游《钢铁视线》公布了游戏的最新宣传视频,从视频中可以看到游戏主打的现代化战争,其中还有场景破坏效果。 与传统的FPS相比,《钢铁视线》更加突出现代化的战斗。游戏引入了很多高科技元素,比如无人战机、远程遥控手榴弹、设置型炮台等等。其中无人机是游戏的重要玩法,玩家可以...

22 day South Korea FPS travelogue "iron sight" released the latest propaganda video game, from the video can see the main game modern warfare, there is a scene destroy the effect. Compared with the traditional FPS, the iron and steel line of sight more prominent modern battle. The game introduces many high-tech elements, such as unmanned aircraft, remote control, set the grenade type fort and so on. Which is an important game of the game, players can...

标签: PS 视频