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武极天下手游紫卡怎么获得 紫卡获得攻略

Wu polar world tour purple card to card purple Raiders

2015-07-23 17:50:38来源: 4399

武极天下手游是一款由同名小说改编而来的战略级手游大作,很多玩家不了解游戏中紫卡的掉落情况,接下来由小编为大家介绍的是紫卡的掉落地点及获得攻略。 ▍掉落地点解析 不过在精英副本中掉落紫色卡牌几率非常高,紫色卡牌掉落率在百分之几左右,主要还是应为本次武极天下手游是封测,掉落还是比较大的。...

kiwamu world tour is a adapted from the novel of the same name of the strategic level of hand travel. Many players don't know purple card game drops, followed by small series to introduce is purple card drop location and get the Raiders. 's drop location analysis but in a copy of the elite to drop a purple card probability is very high, the purple card drop rate at around a few percent, mainly should for the Wu polar world tour is beta, drop is still relatively large. ...

标签: 手游