新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新神将唐僧出世 《全民斗西游》新版今日上线

新神将唐僧出世 《全民斗西游》新版今日上线

A new God, Tang Seng was born the national bucket swims on the west "version of today's on-line

2015-07-23 16:36:36来源: 不凡游戏网

大话西游电影独家正版授权,梦幻级回合制RPG手游——《全民斗西游》全新版本今日火爆上线!全新神将唐僧出世,阵容开放第六人。即日起,玩家们都可以进入游戏体验全新炫酷玩法内容,同时还可以参与线上暑期狂欢活动,精彩无极限,福利拿不停! 《全民斗西游》是由大话西游电影独家正版授权,乐堂动漫历时...

Westward Journey online movie genuine exclusive authorization, dream RPG mobile games -- the universal fighting swims on the west" the new version of the popular on-line today! The new born God monk, open the sixth team. Today, players can experience the new cool gameplay content into the game, you can also participate in online summer Carnival activities, no limit wonderful, take the welfare does not stop! "The west" bucket is authorized by the Westward Journey movie genuine exclusive, anime music hall last...