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大话西游手游抓鬼阵容推荐 抓鬼属性分析

Ghosts Westward Journey tour lineup recommend catch ghost attribute analysis

2015-07-23 17:21:29来源: 4399

大话西游手游捉鬼攻略,大话西游手游捉鬼阵容推荐~玩家很轻松就能升级到20级 ,根据新手指引就能找到钟馗领取抓鬼任务啦!部分新手不知道组什么样子的队伍,不知道小鬼的具体属性。 怪物基本组成: 主怪,伶俐虫,雷鸟,精细鬼,牛头,马面,吸魂鬼 吸魂鬼:仙族法术单秒 风法火法随机 性别...

Westward Journey tour Buffy Raiders, Westward Journey tour Buffy team recommended ~ players easily upgrade to level 20, according to guidelines for novice can find Chung Kuei receive ghosts task!! Don't know what part of the novice group team, do not know the specific attributes. Monster basic components: Main strange, clever insect, Thunderbird, fine spirits, Ngau Tau, filefish, ceiling ghost ceiling Ghost: Fairy Magic seconds in a single wind fire method random sex...

标签: 手游 大话西游