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《热血传奇手机版》 致内测玩家的一封信

"The legend of Mir mobile phone version of" caused by online gamers in a letter

2015-07-23 15:35:12来源: 爱拍游戏

亲爱的玩家: 《热血传奇手机版》内测即将结束,我们真诚感谢所有参与本次内测的玩家,因为有你们的参与,才让此次测试更加顺利,让不久之后的不删档测试更加完美。在这短短的一个月时间里,整个玛法大陆热闹非常,我们深深地感受到了所有玩家对传奇的热爱。十五年的经典、十五年的回忆,都在《热血传奇手机...

internationally: The Legend of Mir phone edition beta is coming to an end, we sincerely thank all those involved in the closed beta players. Because of your participation, to make the test more smoothly, make more perfect shortly after the test does not delete files. In this short a month time, the entire marfa mainland very lively, we deeply feel all the players to the legend of love. Fifteen years of classic, fifteen years of memories, are in the legend of blood cell phone...

标签: 玩家 热血传奇