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更似旧时游上苑 梦回全民《跑跑》时代

More like the old tour Shangyuan dreams of national "Paopao" era

2015-07-23 14:20:30来源: 4399

记得2006年,笔者还是一个乳臭未干的中学生,不谈恋爱,不吃路边羊肉串,大部分时间迷恋客户端网游。那时和几个基友每到周五就疯狂“逃窜”至网吧用当周省下来零用钱在那片“圣地”中度过自己的美好时光。 跑跑是电脑房里的一道风景线 因为穷,时常无法在网吧续费所以一直会观摩其他小伙伴玩。《跑跑...

remember in 2006. The author or a wet behind the ears of the middle school students, don't fall in love, do not eat roadside mutton string, most of the time obsessed with online game client. At that time, and several friends every Friday to crazy fled to Internet cafes when week saved pocket money in the "holy land" through its own sweet time. Enclosure is a scenery line in the computer room because of the poor, often can not be in the cafe renewals so always observe other small partners to play. "Run...