新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛大《龙之谷》新职业兽娘重拳出击


Grand "Dragon Valley" new career beast Niang heavy attack Sina

2015-07-23 14:19:16来源: 新浪

新服:华中电信一区——初心 时间:2015年7月23日12:00 作为《龙之谷》暑期重头戏,“初心·传承”新版本今日正式公测!为谷迷玩家奉献海量精彩内容。新职业兽娘无疑将成为所有谷迷玩家冒险的重点,这个全新的职业将会为阿尔特里亚大陆带来什么样的改变呢?令人期待。此外谷迷玩家们翘首...

new service: China Telecom area -- at the beginning of time: July 2015 to 12:00 on 23 as "Dragon Valley" summer highlight, a new version of "the beginning of the heart - Heritage" today officially beta! Dedicated to the vast amount of fans of the valley fans wonderful content. New career beast Niang will undoubtedly become a adventure valley of all players lost the key, the new career will Altria, bring what kind of change? Look forward to. In addition, many game player who eagerly valley...

标签: 龙之谷