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Players, predicted "city lights" PVP gameplay to

2015-07-23 13:26:16来源: 天极网

《地城之光》前段时间游戏推出了国服首个PVP模式——佣兵大战,接下来在PVP方面还有哪些新动作,会不会有一些新模式即将推出?相信这些问题可能都存在在每个地城玩家心里,在玩家看来《地城之光》的PVP应该有怎样的设计和创意呢,如果让玩家来畅所欲言的话,究竟会怎样,让我们一起来看下吧。 【...

earlier in the "city of lights" game time launched the country's first PVP mode -- the mercenary war, then in PvP and what new action, there will be some new model to be launched? Believe these problems may exist in every heart city player, the player seems to "city lights" PVP should be how to design and creative, if allow players to speak out, what will happen to, let us see together. [...

标签: 玩家