新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国超萌偶像消除手游《冬己消消乐》 今日IOS上线

韩国超萌偶像消除手游《冬己消消乐》 今日IOS上线

Eliminate Tour "winter has fire fire music" IOS today on-line

2015-07-22 16:43:51来源: 4399

风靡全球的韩国超萌偶像“冬己ddung(迷糊娃娃)”同名改编的“消除类”休闲益智手游《冬己消消乐》今日IOS正式上线! 《冬己消消乐》苹果版下载地址:http://i.4399.cn/game-id-162509.html 《冬己消消乐》的主人公“冬己”是韩国Design Seol漫...

swept the global Korean super MOE Idol "winter has ddung (confused doll)" adaptation of the same name "eliminate leisure tour puzzle in hand" winter has fire fire music "formally launched today IOS Meng Korean idol!" winter has fire fire music "version of the apple download address: http://i.4399.cn/game-id-162509.html" winter has fire fire music "hero" winter "is South Korea design for this last issue, SEOL diffuse...

标签: 手游 iOS