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保卫萝卜3道具大全 道具用途获取一览

Defend radish 3 props Daquan props use access list

2015-07-22 18:40:01来源: 4399

保卫萝卜3有哪些道具?保卫萝卜3道具有什么用?在《保卫萝卜3》里遇到较难的关卡过不去的话,我们可以选择使用一些辅助道具,那么游戏中都有哪些道具呢,这些道具有什么作用,怎么获得道具,小编给大家带来答案。 怎么获得道具? 在游戏界面,点下面的+号,就可以购买道具了,目前提供了四种道具,价...

defend radish 3 what props? Defend radish 3 props have what use? In the defense of radish 3 "encounter difficult levels had not to, we can choose to use some props, then the game have what props?. these props have what effect, how can I get the props, Xiaobian for everyone to bring answers. How to get props in the game interface, the point of the + number, you can buy props, and now provides four kinds of props, price...