新关注 > 信息聚合 > 猫和老鼠官方手游玩法介绍 三种游戏模式怎么玩

猫和老鼠官方手游玩法介绍 三种游戏模式怎么玩

Cat and mouse official hand travel play three game models how to play

2015-07-22 15:16:40来源: 4399

猫和老鼠官方手游中目前总共有三种游戏玩法,分别是:“关卡模式”、“无尽模式”和“每日竞技”。那么这三种模式是怎么玩的呢?有些什么特点?下面就跟时辰我一起来看看吧。 一、关卡模式 新手的天堂 跟所有的关卡游戏一样,关卡模式是最基本的玩法。在关卡模式中,每个关卡都有自己规定的任务,列于右...

cat and mouse official hand travel in a total of three games are played, namely: the level mode, endless mode and the daily sports". So these three modes are how to play? What are some of the characteristics? Now let's see the time. First, the level of the new model of the paradise with all the level of the game, the game is the most basic level of play. In the level mode, each level has its own set of tasks, listed on the right...

标签: 游戏 手游