新关注 > 信息聚合 > cf苍雷限时预售活动 首款挑战强化武器预售

cf苍雷限时预售活动 首款挑战强化武器预售

CF Cang thunder limited pre-sale activities the first challenge to strengthen weapons sale

2015-07-22 15:16:40来源: 电玩巴士

穿越火线首款挑战强化武器苍雷预售开启,在限时预售期间购买武器的用户都可以获得折扣优惠和礼包奖励。 : CF活动 活动时间:2015.7.17-7.28 活动地址:http://act.daoju.qq.com/act/cf/a20150710arm/index.htm 苍雷...

crossing the line of fire the first challenge to strengthen weapons Cang thunder pre-sale open, users in a limited time during the pre-sale to purchase weapons can receive discounts and gifts and incentives. : CF activity time: 2015.7.17-7.28 address: http://act.daoju.qq.com/act/cf/a20150710arm/index.htm...

标签: CF