新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奇葩90后网游夫妻:结婚登记用游戏名字 难倒众人

奇葩90后网游夫妻:结婚登记用游戏名字 难倒众人

Wonderful 90 games couple: marriage registration with game name baffled all

2015-07-22 09:22:41来源: 电玩巴士

“结婚证不登自己名字,登游戏名字?!90后来办证也很奇葩好不好!”近期,网友兴起“吐槽办证潮”,愈演愈烈,却也有办证人员发微博吐槽一对新婚夫妇,游戏宅又中枪! 原来,山东济南一对“90后”新人办婚礼,去天桥区民政局婚姻登记处提出一个奇葩的需求:希望结婚证用游戏ID登记,难死办证人员。...

marriage certificate Deng his name, board game name?! 90 to permit is wonderful, good! "Recently, netizens rise" Tucao accreditation tide ", intensified, but also has accreditation personnel hair microblogging Tucao a pair of newlyweds, game house and shot! Original, Shandong Jinan for a" after 90 "newcomers wedding, to present a wonderful needs: I hope marriage certificate with the game ID registration Tianqiao District Civil Affairs Bureau marriage registration office, hard to die processing staff. ...

标签: 游戏 网游