新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女神联盟诸神归来 觉醒英雄实战出击

女神联盟诸神归来 觉醒英雄实战出击

Goddess of the League gods return real heroes awakening attack

2015-07-21 17:39:05来源: 4399

《女神联盟》手游新版公会争霸战鼓雷鸣,远古英雄纷纷觉醒,硝烟弥漫中诸神归来。在这场智慧与勇气的角斗中,哪位英雄的实战表现最令你心折?今天小爱与大家一起,欣赏觉醒英雄在跨服战场上的飒爽英姿。 觉醒人物:月神祭司 觉醒新技能:月神祈福:释放月神恩赐时,为目标附加持续回血的效果,并给自身...

League "goddess" travel version of the public will contend for hegemony thunderous drums, the ancient hero have awakened, the smoke gods return. In the wisdom and courage of the arena, the actual performance of the hero's heart makes you fold? Today the little love together with you, appreciate the awakening of heroes in the cross service battlefield bright and brave. People awakening: Luna priest awakening new skills: Luna blessing: releasing the gifts from the goddess of the moon, the target additional continued to return to the blood effect, and to their own...