新关注 > 信息聚合 > 完美不将就!《星际战甲》主机版打造PS4游戏新标杆


Imperfect compromise! "Star war a" console version build PS4 game new benchmark

2015-07-21 13:34:48来源: 电玩巴士

由完美世界代理的超人气科幻大作《星际战甲》warframe 主机版即将登陆PS4平台。这部3A级大作来势凶猛,直指蓄势待发的中国主机游戏市场。游戏成熟地运用PBR渲染技术,具备极优秀的声画表现力。结合畅爽的战斗模式,冷热兵器、格斗暗杀,无所不包,展现了 TPS游戏的无限创新可能。 【...

acting by perfect world super popular sci-fi masterpiece "star war" warframe console version is about to land the PS4 platform. This 3A level as ferocious, poised at the Chinese host game market. The game is mature to use PBR rendering technology, with a very good performance of the sound. Combined with the smooth cool battle mode, hot and cold weapon, fighting the assassination, all encompassing, show the TPS game with unlimited creativity. [...