新关注 > 信息聚合 > 观点:游戏是否需要自动寻路设计


View: Game whether automatic search path design

2015-07-21 12:57:51来源: 07073游戏网

玩家借助自动寻路可以左右移动镜头欣赏路上的风景,不少人认为这是一个很好的设计,但是也有很多的玩家视其为毒瘤。关于自动寻路,到底有没有存在的必要呢? 大家应该听过一句话:做设计,减法比加法更重要。 为什么减法重要呢? 因为某些东西会喧宾夺主:它不能增加设计的深度,也不能给人带来...

internationally with automatically find its way around move the camera to appreciate the way scenery, many people think this is a very good design, but there are also many internationally regarded it as a cancer. On the automatic search, in the end there is no need to exist, we should listen to a word: do design, subtraction is more important than the addition. Why subtraction important? Because something would dominate: it can not increase the design depth nor to bring...

标签: 游戏