新关注 > 信息聚合 > 打造神兵《巨人武侠》现代科技成就古典武侠


To create magic "giant martial arts, modern scientific and technological achievements of the classical martial arts

2015-07-21 11:39:38来源: 4399

巨人武侠是一款将中国古典和现代技术发挥到极致的武侠手游,720°可旋转视角,将美景尽收眼底。十八般兵器样样齐全,上百种武功心法等你来收集。巨人武侠绝对是一款值得期待的武侠手游,敬请期待! 更多新游爆料,尽在4399新游频道 除了以上两大特征之外,巨人武侠其打击感也是十分不错,通过经典...

giant martial arts is a will play to the extreme martial arts hand you Chinese classical and modern technology, 720 degrees can rotate the camera, panoramic view of the scenery. All kinds of diversified skills, hundreds of martial arts heart waiting for you to collect. Giant martial arts is definitely worth looking forward to the martial arts hand travel, please look forward to! More travelogue broke the news, as far as in 4399 new travel channel in addition to the above two big characteristics, martial arts giants against its sense is also very good, through the classical...