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武魂2新版9月将上线 螺旋猫演绎新套装

Wuhun 2 version of September will be on-line spiral cats deduction new suit

2015-07-20 15:09:34来源: 新浪

7月18日,《武魂2》首届WE英雄杯联赛总决赛在杭州网易完美落幕,不但决出了精英组“WU魂真好玩”和新秀组“W.E”双组冠军战队,其游戏主策还爆料新版本的大规模创变将于今年9月发生。 【争夺至高荣誉 新科冠军出炉】 WE联赛自6月17日启动以来,已经吸引了百支团队参赛,决赛四强一...

7 month 18, "Wuhun 2" first we cup hero League finals ended in Netease Hangzhou, a perfect, not only decide the elite group "Wu soul really fun" and rookie "W.E." double champion team, the main game strategy also broke a new version of the large-scale a variable will be in September this year occurred. [compete for the highest honor champions released] we League since the start of June 17, has attracted a hundred teams participating. The semi-finals.

标签: 螺旋猫