新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同名改编 9377重金代理IP大作《隋唐英雄》

同名改编 9377重金代理IP大作《隋唐英雄》

Adapted 9377 heavily proxy IP the Sui Tangyingxiong "

2015-07-18 11:02:42来源: 07073游戏网

大家还记得《隋唐英雄》开播时的轰动吗?波澜壮阔的隋唐时代变迁,朝代更迭的历史画卷,还有扣人心弦的江湖爱恨情仇。以前你只能隔着屏幕观赏,现在你却可以身临其境地参与最真实的历史传奇了! 近日,国内知名网页游戏制作与运营商“9377平台”对外宣布花重金获得同名电视剧《隋唐英雄》改编网页游戏...

everyone remember the Sui Tangyingxiong" launch a sensation? Magnificent in the Sui and Tang Dynasties change, historical picture scroll of the change of dynasties and exciting arena of love and hate. Before you can across the screen viewing, but now you can personally involved in the real historical legend. Recently, the domestic well-known Web game production and operators "9377 platform" announced spend huge sums of money to get the TV series of the same name the Sui Tangyingxiong "adapted web games...