新关注 > 信息聚合 > H5游戏是否会颠覆传统APP革命?


H5 game whether it will subvert the traditional app revolution?

2015-07-17 17:25:42来源: 4399

2015年,手游市场和HTML5游戏产品优质大作集中爆发,大厂强势加速布局,中小研发商竞争激烈,形势变幻莫测,开发者们究竟该从哪找到突破口? H5游戏的变化,的确让众多研发手机游戏CP有点措手不及。从2015年1月到7月,HTML5小游戏单机游戏数量增幅显著,在原有666款的基础上增长...

2015, travel market and HTML5 game products quality as concentrated outbreak, Dachang strong accelerated layout, research and development of small and medium business competition, unpredictable situation, developers exactly the where to find a breakthrough? H5 game changes really many research and development of mobile phone game of CP unprepared. From January 2015 to July, the number of small game HTML5 game increased significantly, on the basis of the original 666 growth...

标签: 游戏 APP H5