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问道联赛新赛季开启 解密十连冠队伍

Asked the new league season opening decryption ten consecutive team

2015-07-17 13:04:23来源: 新浪

导语:百万在线网游大作《问道》,跨服联赛再次起航,万人竞技、战火连天,海量粉丝、众生之巅,如此巅峰之座,钱塘江十连冠的背后到底隐藏着哪些秘密?是土豪任性,还是技巧为王?今日就随我走进冠军的幕后一探究竟。 有的人说联赛冠军是土豪的show场,有的人说战术为王的时代已经过去,有的人还说我...

Intro: millions of online gaming masterpiece "asked", inter Service League once again set sail, million people athletics, war-torn, massive fan, a living being, the top, so the top of the seat, behind the Qiantang River ten consecutive end hidden what secret? Is the tyrant capricious, or skill king? Today, as I went into the championship behind the scenes. Some people say that the Champions League is show field tyrant, some people say that tactics is king of the era has passed, some people said i...