新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星际2虚空之遗》暗黑3联动虚拟奖励一览


"StarCraft 2 of the void left," Blizzard yesterday in Diablo 3 linkage virtual reward list

2015-07-17 18:28:46来源: 电玩巴士

昨日暴雪在全球开启了星际争霸2第三部资料片“虚空之遗”预售。国服不仅在价格上存在优势,同时还有针对国服玩家专属的独立礼品。喜欢暴雪游戏的玩家们购买虚空之遗数字典藏版能获得哪些暗黑3相关虚拟奖励呢? 在国服购买《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》可获得以下三样暗黑3相关内容: 星灵幻化样式:主教...

in the global opens the StarCraft 2 the third piece of information "the void left" pre-sale. The national service is not only a price advantage, but also for the country to take the exclusive gifts of the players. Like Blizzard game players to buy legacy of the void the digital Collector's edition can obtain what Diablo 3 related virtual reward it? In the service purchase "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the void, obtained the following three kind of Diablo 3 related content: Star Ling unreal style: a bishop.