新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奇葩游戏《模拟山羊》将登PS4 支持VR模式

奇葩游戏《模拟山羊》将登PS4 支持VR模式

Wonderful game of the analog goat "will appear in the PS4 supports VR mode

2015-07-16 14:53:57来源: 新浪

如果评选近年来的奇葩作品,《模拟山羊》(Goat Simulator)肯定会名列其中,这款在去年愚人节发售的荒诞游戏是让玩家扮演一只山羊,在游戏的设定舞台里四处冒险,完成各种成就。而开发商已经宣布游戏将在下个月登陆PS3和PS4平台,此前它已经登陆了Xbox360和Xbox One。 ...

if the selection of the wonderful works in recent years, the analog goat" (goat simulator) will certainly among them, this absurd games in last April Fool's day sale is allowing the player to play a goat, in the game's setting stage venture around, complete various achievements. And the developers have announced that the game will be landing in the next month PS3 and PS4 platform, it has landed the Xbox360 and One Xbox. ...

标签: 游戏 PS PS4 VR